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Case Studies

From figures that need clarification to clear results

Success strategy in the second generation: internationalization and financial optimization.

Profitable growth and internationalization

The second-generation logistics group has achieved profitable growth through internationalization into neighboring countries and new locations in Germany. Sales were in the mid-double-digit million range.
Growth was financed through retained earnings and bank loans.
The group was managed from the company headquarters and primarily using figures from cost and performance accounting. The planning was presented to the Executive Board and Supervisory Board in detailed plans with different formats.
Monthly internal reporting was very detailed, using reports directly from the ERP system in a more or less user-friendly manner.

Challenges in reporting

The challenge, as with many medium-sized companies, was that the internal monthly figures (on which the external reporting is based) were not adequately prepared for the target group, the management. Important figures such as the balance sheet (i.e. assets and liabilities) and cash flow are often not discussed because they are not available.
Decimal places for amounts in millions, marked with a € sign, missing transitions, etc. require a lot of time in meetings to read the numbers, put them in the right context and accept them as correct.
This leaves little time and energy left for the actual task of management, which is to draw conclusions from the figures and define important measures.

Sustainable financial transparency for the next generation

The third generation was to be introduced into the company's management. The successors recognized that they would only be able to cope to a limited extent with the figures as they had been handled up to now. They also recognized the problem that the long-standing financial managers would only be able to further develop the figures and reporting system with suitable external support.
The task here was to find a financial consultant for controlling and accounting who was sensitive and appreciative of the employees and their performance, who would systematically build on what already existed and create the necessary financial transparency.

Working together for accurate billing

The financial managers quickly showed interest in an improved set of figures after realizing that this could be created from and with the existing systems without much additional effort. The last audited annual financial statements were compared with the financial statements from the ERP system.
It turned out that the auditor had made some reclassifications that the company had not followed up on. The financial statements could not be reproduced from the list of totals and balances without making corrections.
It was agreed with the auditor that the accounts and account balances of both parties would be exactly the same in the future and that the company would therefore have a valid balance sheet available from the ERP system. With a valid balance sheet, the cash flow, which had previously been created in a complex and isolated manner, could be created more quickly and with less errors .

Targeted financial planning for a strong bank rating

Based on the correct actual balance sheet, a rolling integrated financial plan consisting of a planned income statement, a planned balance sheet, a planned cash flow and a planned liquidity was quickly drawn up.
With the monthly budgeted balance sheet and the target values in mind, the company has actively worked towards improving balance sheet ratios, resulting in a good bank rating. The good bank rating was necessary for the extension of credit lines.

Early detection of results

The monthly internal reporting of the results was based on the figures from the cost and performance accounting, supplemented by figures such as investments and bank statements. Reconciliation between P&L and divisional accounts rarely or never occurred during the year.
The result was that effects on earnings during the year were not taken into account, such as those resulting from required provisions, valuations and the like. These effects on earnings only became apparent when the annual financial statements were prepared. Integrated financial planning meant that those responsible for finance addressed these earnings effects at an early stage.
The controlling department was able to show ways in which the presentation of the results of the divisions can be made more condensed and more user-friendly with little effort.

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