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Case Studies

Company valuation
made easy

I create the optimal foundation.

Corporate values rethought

Medium-sized companies are often faced with the challenge of accurately assessing the company's value in the event of events such as capital increases, investor participations or the sale of the company. Many companies work inadequately with the balance sheet and forgo integrated financial planning, which multiplies the workload later on.
My solution lies in the integration and regular use of the balance sheet and the creation of detailed financial planning, from which the company valuation can later be created.

Missed opportunities due to neglected financial planning

Even an EBIT multiple valuation can raise the question of whether the expenses include any necessary value adjustments to assets. At this point at the latest, there is a call for the balance sheet and detailed presentations of fixed assets, inventories, receivables and other items. The usual number-based valuations such as net asset value; discounted cash flow, adjusted net asset value, net asset method always require the balance sheet and cash flow.
Most companies miss out on the opportunity to manage the enterprise value - and not only the enterprise value - more actively at an early stage because they do not work enough with the balance sheet during the year and very often do without integrated one-year or multi-year financial planning. There are essentially two reasons why this is not done: too much effort and a lack of in-house expertise.

From actual to planned values

The often overestimated time required (only the initial design and installation requires time) and the effort required to build up expertise are disproportionate to the various benefits:

  • The historical values can be explained much better, as the explanations from the annual financial statements as at the reporting date are sometimes insufficient.
  • the transition from actual values of past years via forecast values of the current year to planned values of future years can be planned much better.
  • The planning assumptions, often as important as the planned values themselves, can be described much better and more plausibly.

Documentation as a value driver

If the company creates a company-specific P&L and balance sheet based on the summary and balance sheet that highlights the company's special features, this creates significant additional added value.

The quality of reporting and documentation can influence the value of a company by up to 15%.

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