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Financial management consulting against gaps in the company’s figures

Well-prepared figures and ratios are the objective parameters that say a lot about your company. They are therefore used as reliable indicators in any assessment, be it creditworthiness or company value. You should therefore have an overview of these figures.


Numbers reflect the current situation

By means of a divisional statement, you should be able to prove where which profit contributions in your company come from. The balance sheet tells you what assets are in your company. An important key figure is the cash flow, which shows the cash inflows and outflows of your company within a certain period - i.e. the cash flows that have flowed into or out of your company during this period. The significance of individual items in the profit and loss account for the success of the company should be explained to non-experts. All these evaluations contain meaningful and necessary key figures that will determine the future success or failure of your company.


Numbers as a decision-making aid

As an entrepreneur, you have to make important decisions almost every day. However, in order to be able to make far-reaching decisions, you need to know the most important figures and the financial situation of your company from several angles. This, in turn, is hardly possible without analyses and proven controlling concepts.

But what if you don't have enough resources and financial expertise?
What if you also have to concentrate on your core business and therefore have no time left for financial management?
Then the gaps in your figures and the resulting consequences are inevitable.

The solution could be so simple: an external financial management consultant who carries out a detailed and comprehensive financial analysis for companies like yours! They will take care of efficient controlling, help with the creation and implementation of financial plans and thus secure your company's current and future earning power and liquidity


Incomplete and non-transparent figures have their consequences

Whether for future financial planning, investments and their profitability or a transparent evaluation of your company: incomplete and non-transparent figures have an impact on all areas of your company, sometimes with considerable consequences. Without efficient controlling and appropriate documentation, you will not be able to provide clear answers to the most important questions about your finances. This leads to wrong decisions and bad investments, as you can neither check the profitability of business areas nor assess possible risks on this basis. Similarly, without sufficiently structured financial management, you will not be able to convince potential business partners or lenders. This is because they are also dependent on a clear analysis with transparent and complete figures in order to be able to make decisions with as little risk as possible.

Meaningful and trend-setting: financial analyses for companies

Whether by an external expert who is happy to prepare figures successfully or an internal financial management department: a sound financial analysis for companies is the basis for all decisions and strategies within the company itself, but also for the relationship with various business partners, banks and other institutions. All financial planning should therefore be based on the figures from a financial analysis . After all, how can you plan the future, implement plans, make the right decisions, minimize financial risks or make statements about the value of your company without knowledge of the financial stability and health of your company ? With a transparent financial analysis, on the other hand, you strengthen your negotiating position in discussions with business partners, creditors and potential investors.


What does a financial analysis for companies include?

A financial analysis is usually quite extensive, but this is more of a challenge than an unpleasant problem for an expert in financial management consulting. If important evaluations are missing for a financial analysis, such as a divisional statement, this will be prepared. Strictly speaking, a financial analysis for companies includes several analysis elements such as balance sheet analysis, profit and loss statement analysis, cash flow analysis and the calculation and analysis of other key figures that are important for the company. Sounds complicated and gives you trouble sleeping? Then hand over these financial management tasks to a specialist you trust. They will quickly bring order and structure to your previously confusing jungle of figures.


Benefits of financial management consulting

An external financial consulting expert sees problems as challenges, works holistically and solution-oriented and can support you in the following areas of your company's development, depending on your needs:

  • Updating and presenting the entire reporting and cost accounting system
  • Determination of gross profits and contribution margins by division, product, customer, etc.
  • Preliminary and final costing of your company's output
  • Calculating the profitability of investments
  • Figure-based analysis for a planned company sale or a general company valuation
  • Active receivables management
  • Preparation of documentation for credit inquiries


Thinking about the future: long-term financial management

When it comes to sound financial management advice, you should not only think about current situations, but also about future goals and plans, such as an exit in a few years. Therefore, in addition to purely operational financial management, a strategic approach with future competition and market analyses, risk assessments and the inclusion of developments in possible trends is recommended. After all, you don't just want to base the success of your company on current day-to-day business, but also ensure optimal development in the desired direction.